Claims Adjustment

Many policyholders hire a public adjuster to manage the claims process. A public adjuster is an insurance professional that works on your behalf – similar to how the insurance company’s adjuster works on the insurer’s behalf.

A good public adjuster will work diligently to manage your insurance claim from beginning to end, working hard to ensure you secure the maximum compensation possible under your insurance contract. This is exactly what an insurance policy is a legally binding contract between two parties.

We are here to assist business, commercial, and industrial property owners. We walk you through the typical claims process, explain how to maximize compensation, and tell you what to expect with a typical insurance claim. During this process, Riverside Public Adjusters handles the “Settlement Procedure” which involves the filing, preparation, negotiation, and settlement of claims covered under an insurance policy. We understand that you have a business to run and may not want the added stress or burden of negotiating with an insurance company. Before concluding any settlement, the staff at Riverside Public Adjusters will review with the insured  to confirm that all claims have been maximized. 

Public adjusters can’t be expected to work for free. Typically, adjusters charge a pre-arranged fee of the final settlement amount, depending on the size of the claim and the experience of the adjuster. However, property owners who hire public insurance adjusters have been known to get settlements of anywhere from 30-70% or more above the one initially offered by the insurance company – therefore many agree it is a smart and valuable investment.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed from dealing with your insurance company, then consider hiring a public adjuster. It can help to relieve an immense amount of time, stress, and confusion while helping to ensure you get maximum compensation from your property insurance claim.